Relational counseling
with Zori Tomova

support the unfolding of the love that you are through deepening connection with self, others and nature


GET ON a FREE 20 minute call with me, so we can check in and see if we are a fit for online or in-person work. 


The Art of Relating

ALIVENESS thru relating with self

Reclaim more of the vital energy that is available to you by bringing embodied presence to what is alive for you, here and now. Allow it to guide you in returning to your wholeness and full capacity, as we reveal and heal the parts of you that need your loving embrace & integration.

AUTHENTICITY in relating with others

Allow your inner work to integrate and transform how you are with others. Practice meeting the other in their world, while also staying present to your experience, needs and boundaries. We create a safe space for you to lean into your edges, so you can bring more of yourself to your relationships.

INTERBEING by relating with Nature

Cultivate a deeper trust in Life, as you surrender to Nature within and around and explore its wisdom and guidance. Open to be surprised, relate and co-create with its intelligence as we feed it, remember it, listen and act in accordance with its pulsing together.

What is the Art of Relating?

There’s a deep, infinitely creative, wise and playful current of loving consciousness that everything we know arises from, and returns back to. We are part of it. We are it. We are constantly evolving and unfolding with it, as it, emerging from what we are being into what we are becoming.

By orienting ourselves towards that which is alive for us in this moment, and establishing right relationship with it, we align with this current. We align with Nature and with our own nature, thus allowing Life to move and surprise us with possibilities beyond what we already know and therefore can imagine and intend for.

The Art of Relating invites us to deeply LISTEN to our innermost being and our unique context of interbeing, so we can consciously relate with what is alive in this moment in relating with ourselves, others and Life. It is a choice to keep trusting and surrendering to Nature within and around, allowing what is here to guide us into the most beautiful, authentic and courageous life we came here to live.


Who is Relational Counseling for?

This is for you if you are looking for...

 an ongoing counseling space that goes beyond traditional therapy, with a focus on holistic healing and the development of healthy authentic relationships that grow with you

✓ altered states of consciousness to release stuck energy and integrate different ways of being thru ritual and direct embodied & spiritual experience

✓ embodied healing by orienting to what is alive for you and using it as a foundation to grow your capacity to listen, hold and love all that you are

 trauma-informed relational growth cultivating inner safety, as well as the courage to lean into your edges in how you relate with self, others and life

grounded spirituality embracing grief, anger, anxiety as sacred, giving them space to be felt and organically transmute instead of looking to transcend them

 return to Nature within and around through the art of ritual and nature-based practice, supporting you in remembering your essence and belonging

✓ self- and co-regulation practices you get to keep and reach for at your own time in order to meet life’s challenges as they arise


What is Relational Counseling?

Relational Counseling can be an important complement or follow-up to other kinds of therapy & healing, placing an emphasis on the integration of the deep inner work you’ve been doing into your relationships. 

Its approach is based on the idea that wounds that arise in relationship can only be healed in relationship. In order to support this kind of healing, a practitioner brings present moment awareness and their authentic human experience in relating with you, thus allowing for relational patterns to surface and be worked out in an embodied way in real time between the two of you. 

As you touch these patterns relationally with someone who can hold that with you in a conscious way, they organically shift and integrate in a different way of being and showing up in the relationships that matter to you. This promotes natural healing and health that builds up over time, as you keep bringing more of your authentic self forward, and opening up to more of that in others.

In our counseling, we draw upon authentic relating & circling, deep transformational coaching, IFS, mindfulness, embodiment, shadow work, deep imagery, indigenous wisdom and nature-based ritual to look to Nature within and around as our guide. We meet exactly where you are, welcoming any energy that is currently present for you. Then, we give space for an organic unfolding that emerges out of the present moment and is deeply generative for all levels of your being, supporting you in transforming how you relate with yourself, others and Life.

What is alive for you right now?

Hey you, I am Zori!

I am so happy you’ve made your way here! I don’t know why life is bringing us together at this point in your journey, but I have deep trust that we were meant to meet for a reason. 

My heart offers you a warm embrace and welcomes you exactly as you are in this here and now. Its deepest intention is to listen and speak to the preciousness of Life you carry and that we’ve all come here to honour, create, experience and live in all its colours.

My work is here to nurture and support you in giving yourself permission to keep unfolding, growing, emerging organically, at your own pace and outside of anyone’s processes and ideas of how this is supposed to look… into your whole, wild, authentic you… a unique and beautiful expression of our magical Earth waking up to Herself!

So welcome, friend! I notice a curiosity of connecting with you and exploring why you’ve been guided to my work. If you do too, I’m looking forward to hearing from you ♥

Join an online Authentic Relating gathering

a great FREE/donation-based opportunity to connect with zori and likeminded people, and experience the magic of authentic relating & Circling in an intimate group context.



'Zori helped me step into a new role in my life & career, when what is now the Deep Adaptation movement was in its process of emerging. She has great methods. But what's magical is her love. Her joy in supporting my journey feels like a blessing. Thank you, Zori, for changing the cosmos.'
Prof. Jem Bendell
Educator, Founder of Deep Adaptation
'Being with Zori is like being in a nourishing joyful room without judgement. It has deeply allowed me to open up to myself and to a wider context. I genuinely feel more whole and more part of life. Thank you Zori for exemplifying, living and breathing connectedness in all the ways that you do.'
Barbara Linde
Presence Therapist
‘Zori’s work is nothing less than life-changing. With her nourishing support and guidance, I've resolved many blocks that previously kept me from fully committing to my work and passion. A few months later, a lot has shifted in my life. I’ve launched new offerings I thought were meant to happen in the distant future. I feel empowered and better equipped to deal with challenges that may arise on my path.’
Tessa Sophia
Somatic Mentor & Intimacy Guide
'Zori had an incredible power of understanding what I was saying and immediately coming up with a perfect response and examples from her own experiences. I felt Zori was reading my mind days before each session. My life is definitely on an upwards path since our encounter, she's really capable of instigating something special and positive in me that has long lasting effects.'
Dejan Milosevic
IT Entrepreneur & Traveller
‘I’ve experienced Zori as an entrepreneur, facilitator and guide. What absolutely stands out is her seemingly infinite source of curiosity, creativity and agility. She naturally radiates love for life, courage and authenticity and has a sincere interest in the well-being and growth of others. Her workshops and 1:1s are incredibly empowering, as she has the humility to step back and allow others to discover their own truth. I absolutely recommend her to anybody willing to step out of the comfort-zone in a safe, kind and playful environment.’
Rouzbeh Tavakkoli
Founder of Voicing Wisdom
'I have lived most of my life in an unbalanced masculine way, always chasing "the next big thing" without taking time to breathe and listen. I didn't know how to get more in touch with my feminine sides and vulnerability. Zori has helped me, guided me, and given me concrete tools that have led me to feel more balanced and in touch with my authentic self, making me proud of both my feminine and masculine sides. I am impressed by how easily she connected to my energy when we only met online. I would highly recommend her!
Kristine Kotte
Writer & Activist
‘I am convinced that some mysterious unseen force brought us together with Zori. In our first virtual meeting, I felt a moment-to-moment attunement that I have rarely experienced before or since. Her sensitivity to my words was meaningful to me as a writer, and equally impressive was her sensitivity to both how I was saying things and what I didn’t need to say. Over just a few sessions, we covered vast internal landscapes that opened me up to my creativity, gumption, and playfulness and clarified directions for my business. Zori is a gifted, intelligent, open, and playful space-holder and anyone would be lucky to have the chance to work with her.’
Natalie Hung, PhD
Licensed Psychologist & Writer
'I worked with Zori for 2 years and the transformation I've gone through is quite fascinating. We've moved through so many shadows and, at times, intense pain and darkness -- always with gentleness and often with playfulness and laughter which has helped me navigate my inner landscape from a more grounded place. She's one of the most embodied, grounded, intuitive, and genuine people I've met, and her presence has created beautiful ripple effects on my life. She walks the talk and leads by example ❤.'
Ella Valfridsson
Holistic Healer & Reiki Master


GET ON a FREE 20 minute call with me, so we can check in and see if we are a fit for online or in-person work. 

Private Rituals


Body: Inner Dance

"feels like being on mushrooms without the mushrooms"

What happens when you lie down and move into deep trust and surrender to the power of the body – to grow, to heal, to integrate, to awaken? What if it can do that organically, in ways the mind can’t even imagine in order to intend for and guide? In inner dance, we use a specially designed soundscape, intuitive voice and touch to activate both parts of the brain and the nervous system and through that – an organic state of embodied consciousness that is deeply generative & transformative for all levels of your being. Originating in the work of Filipino philosopher & healer Pi Villaraza, inner dance is a powerful way not just to regulate, but to cultivate a trusting relationship with your body. 

  • an embodied spiritual experience comparable to plant medicine
  • cultivate trust & surrender
  • clear the backlog of unprocessed emotion
  • integrate shadows & support healing at a deeply embodied level
  • rebalance your nervous system & energy flow
  • connect to your inner guidance
  • deep inner peace, connection & rejuvenation
  • possibility for couple’s & group journeys

Zori’s story: “I encountered Inner Dance in 2018 and was struck by the profundity of the experience. It became a life-saver for me in a time of grief, helping me illuminate, feel & integrate in a deeply embodied way parts of me that conventional therapy couldn’t reach. To this day, it remains a resource for deep healing, shadow work and self-regulation that I reach for regularly. Over time it has helped me cultivate deep trust in my relationship with my body and life in general. What I absolutely love about it is that it feels like something to rest into – in it there’s absolutely nothing to do other than lie down and watch what emerges. I have been trained in Inner Dance facilitation by Pi Villaraza in 2021 and held space for hundreds of people since in group and private settings. I look forward to sharing with you the magic that is possible when you approach your body and the present moment with trust and surrender.”

Reviews: “Wow. The name of this space doesn’t do it justice. It’s a shamanic profound experience I was not prepared for, as I had no idea I could enter such a state by simply lying down and watching what happens. It brought to the surface and transformed my relationship with a shadow I’ve been navigating for years. Zori’s presence & spaceholding felt like absolute magic throughout. Highly recommended!” 

“What an incredible journey! It was like plant medicine, super deep and potent yet also gentle. Like 7 journeys in one, held in supported spaciousness.”

Heart: Cacao Ceremony

bring replenishment, healing & delight to your heart
Gift yourself an encounter with the Sacred Cacao Spirit, based on an authentic Mayan medicine lineage from Guatemala. This space can be deeply transformative and healing, or very sweet and blissful, depending on what is alive for you. In it, we open a gate for the Mayan nature spirits that support deeper work with the Cacao Medicine to come in and help us with your intentions. We offer them the beauty we create with flowers, songs, presence and heart-felt words and trust them to reveal & shift exactly what is needed in an organic flow of music, conversation, meditation & energy work.
  • create an intimate nurturing & healing space for yourself
  • get clarity and support from the cacao medicine in what is alive for you right now
  • let your heart open, welcoming and releasing what it needs
  • connect with Mayan spirituality as it relates to you and your journey
  • possibility for couple’s & group ceremonies

Zori’s story: “Ceremonial Cacao is something I couldn’t help but bump into shortly after my arrival to Lake Atitlan, Guatemala. Even though it is easy to appreciate its heart-opening and mood enhancing properties in any setting, I was deeply moved by its healing powers in my 1:1 work with Keith Wilson. Playfully referred to as the Chocolate Shaman, but truly an incredible human and wise elder who would often weep with you as you were going through your process, Keith helped the Western World begin to understand the power of Cacao as medicine through his ceremonies. Thanks to the incredible impact of my work with him, I was inspired to go deeper and learn how to serve others with it in a way that respects its Spirit. I am deeply grateful to have been initiated as a Cacao Guardian by Mayan Aj’Qij Nana Miriam in a family tradition passed to her by her grandmother Ana Navichok. This means in this space we create together, you get to meet and be supported not only by Cacao itself, but also by the nature spirits this Mayan medicine lineage has cultivated a relationship with over centuries. It is an honour for me to share the power of cacao and this sacred space with you.”

Review: “My cacao ceremony with Zori was a powerful and magical experience! Powerful, as the medicine and the sacred space held by Zori allowed me to connect with my intention and generated amazing insights. Magical, as Zori’s reverent welcoming of the spirits combined with the medicine itself created an energetic space that resonated deeply with me. An incredible and authentic experience, I highly recommend!”

Intuition: Drum Journey

meeting the dream world while fully awake

Align your conscious & subconscious mind in support of your intentions by following the beat of the drum into the dreamworld to retrieve the visions, healing & messages lying underneath your ordinary awareness. Drum journeying is an ancient practice used by indigenous people all over the world to work with energy & the world of spirits. Based on shaman anthropologist Michael Harner’s work, here we invite ‘the one who knows’ within you to awake and speak to you in the languages of deep imagination, emotion and sensation. We go on a journey together, in a spirit of co-creation where our inner wise ones meet and speak a dream into being in support of your intentions through intuitive visioning & an embodied experience of the realms of your subconscious.

  • enter in a conversation with your subconscious & spirit guides in support of your intentions
  • reconnect with your intuition & inner wisdom through drumbeat & deep imagery that lives and works with you for years to come.
  • heal energetic blockages & traumas
  • receive soul-level visions and guidance
  • explore and practice the art of dreamwork
  • connect to your deeper creative essence

Zori’s story: “I had my first Drum Journey in 2017 out of curiosity and immediately knew I would keep this practice for life. It opened an incredibly rich dream landscape and a mysterious yet powerful way of knowing I felt strongly drawn to. The practice has stayed with me since, helping me grow and evolve and find my authentic path. It has also allowed me to develop a relationship with an indigenous part that I believe lives within each one of us, waiting to awaken and remind us of our place and belonging to Earth and Spirit. It is what I have witnessed over and over again in working with hundreds of people in 1:1 & group spaces over the last 8 years. In doing that, I also remembered what I now know to be an ancient way of co-creating a shared field of dream consciousness where even more potent energy work can be done, for both beginners and experienced drum journey practitioners. I am excited to share it with you.””

Review: “An incredibly powerful experience. During the journey, through profound imagery and feeling, I was able to experience what it truly felt like to embody my power and purpose and how such a state of being would impact how I related with life. It is a vision that has stayed with me, an energetic template that has helped me move deeply into my sense of purpose. Zori has helped me establish a playful, creative and mystical relationship with my unconscious mind & life in general.”

Community: Authentic Relating

exploring the deeper layers of connection

This is a space dedicated to exploring the deeper layers of connection with self and other. Also known as ‘relational meditation’, circling, or surrendered leadership, it can happen 1:1, with a close one, or in a small group. In it, we slow down and bring awareness to our inner experience in the context of relating. As we share what it’s like to be ourselves and what it’s like to connect with one another in the present moment, we lean into our edges and vulnerabilities and open to be surprised by what emerges. Oftentimes, deep relational patterns come into awareness and are shifted and integrated not just in your inner world, but also in  relationship, i.e. in how you show up with and respond to others, in real time.

  • connecting with others without losing touch with yourself
  • growing your embodied awareness in relating
  • healing relational triggers and traumas in real time
  • cultivating vulnerability & courage to express your truth
  • learning tools for deep presence, intimacy and belonging with others
  • bringing clarity in expressing your boundaries, needs and desires

Zori’s Story: “I first encountered authentic relating & circling in Bali in 2017 and was deeply moved by it. It felt like discovering a long lost home, where suddenly the expressiveness, emotionality and vulnerabilities I was trying to fix in myself for years turned out to be a beautiful gift I could share with others. The invitation to stay present with oneself while also staying connected with others met and stretched a part of me that felt she was losing herself whenever someone else was around. Over time I found the impact of circling on my relational life growing beyond anything I could hope to put into words. I showed up for the practice with consistency, and brought it along wherever I went. I offered live workshops in it, and during COVID times it became a powerful pillar for the Connection Playground online community I founded. Upon getting trained as a facilitator with Circling Europe in 2023, I also learned to use circling as a foundation for being with another in their world, making it a powerful space to integrate in the context of 1:1 counseling work. If you are curious to give circling a try in a group context, check my facebook page for upcoming online gatherings.”

Review: “That was a really special circle today. A perfect example of what this practice and spaces can be… I came in robotic and left melted and high and impacted and connected and and and … My words here don’t capture my feeling – like I really think that circle could be put in a museum of circles as an example of what authentic relating and circling is! Your facilitating is something very special. I am happy for the world that you exist in it!”

Spirit: Fire Offering

feeding life through ancient Mayan ritual

Inspired by ancient Mayan tradition, in this space we support the return to right relationship with the wholeness of Nature around and within thru the act of offering. We open a ritual space, connect with the Sacred Fire and Nature Spirits (Nawales) and offer them a feast of beautiful flowers, smells, gratitude, delicious words & songs. We do so in intuitive co-creation, with the support of the Cacao Medicine. The space is ideal for introducing yourself to the Nature Spirits that are here to support your path in this lifetime, according to the Mayan Cosmovision. It is also a powerful way to ground where you are through making an offering to the ancestral and nature spirits, asking permission for plant medicine work, and learning a different way of listening and relating to the Spirit world, and Life itself.

  • enter in deep conversation with the Sacred Fire
  • introduce yourself to the Nature Spirits (Nawales) that are here to support your unique path, based on the Mayan Calendar
  • cultivate right relationship with the Earth and the Spirit world
  • open your heart and voice and soak up on gratitude and abundance
  • rebalance your flow of giving and receiving

Zori’s Story: “My journey with the Sacred Fire started in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala in 2020. In their ceremonies, the local Mayans would turn to the fire as a bridge between dimensions in order to feed the spirits (Nawales) that maintain the wholeness of our world, and our own human constitution and community. I was encouraged by several Mayan fire keepers (Aj’Qij) to start making such offerings, as my Mayan Calendar spirit (nawal) was that of the fire itself. Over several years, I would go to the shore of Lake Atitlan once per week, and sometimes more often, alone or with others I invited, in order to listen and make offerings to those spirits. Over time, I developed a deep relationship with them that extended into my living and dream reality delivering messages and blessings in all kinds of unexpected ways. I was not formally initiated as a fire keeper, yet I understood it is part of my path to share this ancient medicine exactly as someone who is not initiated. It is something that the fire guided me to and the local wisdom keepers encouraged, as the relationship with Spirit through the Sacred Fire and the act of offering is something that is meant for and needed by everyone. It is an honour to share with you this ancient way to come closer to yourself, your wholeness and your essence, and rebalance your relationship with Spirit and Life.”

Review: “I am so grateful for this ceremony! It helped me so much to ground at Lake Atitlan shortly after my arrival and opened up a deep connection with my heart and my voice, bringing tears of emotional release and gratitude. I was very inspired by the inclusive and co-creative space Zori held for us, flowing with what was organically emerging, speaking from our hearts, singing to lake and fire, while also connecting us to the Mayan culture & nawales. Highly recommended!”

Psychedelics: Integration

bringing your visions to life

This is a space to resource and support the integration of your psychedelic journeys. Together we create a container that weaves counseling and ritual in order to honour yourself and the spirit of the medicine you’ve connected with by strengthening its impact on your life, work and relationships. Through various modalities, like inner dance, holotropic breathwork, authentic movement, cacao, authentic relating, drum journey, fire ceremony, embodiment practice etc. we access altered states of consciousness without the use of psychedelics. These serve as a bridge between non-ordinary and ordinary reality, helping not only to integrate what you’ve obtained in your medicine work, but also opening paths for expanded awareness itself to become more present and accessible in your lived daily experience.

  • integrate the experiences and messages you’ve obtained in journeys with psychedelics, on the level of body, heart, mind, spirit, relationships, community and service to the world
  • venture into altered states of consciousness without the use of medicine, to resource and enrich your process of integration
Zori’s Story: “In my personal healing in Peru and Guatemala, I have connected with a variety of medicines (ayahuasca, huachuma, bufo, rapeh…). The one I have developed the deepest relationship with is the mushroom medicine, which has humbled me with its honesty, depth, playfulness and wisdom, and the level of healing and transformation that comes with the courage to face the unknown with its help. My personal work with it evolved in deep relationship with the natural world, making the experience highly relational & connected with the wisdom of the mostly non-human beings that I was surrounded by, which has greatly inspired all of my work. During my time in Guatemala, I received and responded to the call to serve others with it in private settings, building extensive experience in meeting and integrating a variety of energies, visions, realities, shadows and inner spaces the mushroom spirit takes people to. It is upon that foundation that I offer resources and support for those of you who need help with making sense of their journeys, assimilating challenging experiences and mysterious visions and otherwise grounding the guidance they have received from medicine journeys in ordinary reality.”


GET ON a FREE 20 minute call with me, so we can check in and see if we are a fit for online or in-person work. 

About Zori

Zori is a relational counselor and shamanic practitioner devoted to  creating spaces of health in relating with self, other and Nature. Her approach is warm and welcoming, embodying a deep trust and surrender to Life’s power to organically guide and transform us in surprising ways when given appropriate space. 

She draws inspiration from her training in Authentic Relating & Circling, Inner Dance, Deep Transformational Coaching & Re:patterning, Internal Family Systems, Mayan Cacao Ceremony, her guides and mentors, her community cultivation work with Connection Playground, Widening Circles and Deep Adaptation, her own journey with shamanism, body- and nature-based practice, fire ceremony, plant medicine, ritual and indigenous cultures, and her lived experience with navigating loss, grief and trauma.

Originally from Bulgaria, Zori got her MSc in Enginnering Business Management in Warwick University, UK and spent the first years of her career as a technology entrepreneur. In 2017, she followed her heart’s call for something that would feel more meaningful and authentic to her nature. Since then, she’s lived in Bali, Peru and Guatemala and served thousands of heart-centered people in 1:1 and group settings. 

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What's alive for me these days...


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Contact me for a session or a free 20 mins checkin call with a sentence or two about why you are reaching out. I will get back to you within 24 hours.


We can meet and work together in person too. Drop me a line if we are in the same area. Let's connect!

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