The 4 sides of the heart

Over the last century, science has done a great deal to get us to acknowledge the brain as the center of our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and sense of self. Our collective subconscious, however, hasn’t yielded to the pressure. For most of us, the heart has remained a strong symbol and Read more…

Commitment vs Impermanence

Where is the intersection between commitment and impermanence? And why should we care? Most of us have faced some troubles around commitment at different points in our lives. Maybe you can think back to a time when you found it hard to commit to a new relationship, project or decision. Read more…

The thread of life

“All music ever played is still playing” I read this sentence in Victor Wooten’s book ‘The Music Lesson’ some years ago. I remember lifting my head up to stare into empty space for a while. It felt like there was some deep meaning in it, taking its time to sink Read more…