Do you take some time to talk to nature? Not just be there with her, but actually converse?
I’ve been doing that lately. I’d head out to the Faget forest in Cluj and upon entering, I’d lie down on the ground and set an intention or ask a question I’d like to receive her help with. Then I’d get up, let go of that intention and start walking, in a state of alertness, doing my best to open my senses, my mind, my heart, my soul, to anything that draws my attention. Sometimes I’d get many small messages, sometimes after some hours of wandering something would finally pull me in, revealing itself to me and giving me the answer I needed in a deep beautiful way I could never have anticipated.
Thus, the forest has become a dear friend and guide, who has helped me in numerous ways over the last weeks. As I prepared to leave Cluj, I went to pay her one final visit. This time, my intention was to say goodbye and receive any messages she had as to how I could be of service to her. I was with a friend and at some point, we found ourselves sitting down and talking, enjoying the beauty around us. As we spoke, I unconsciously started playing with the dry leaves and found underneath them a small green plant. It had gotten covered up in leaves as they kept falling from the trees around. Without thinking, I cleared up the leaves, giving it some space to breathe and enjoy some last rays of sunlight. As I did, my friend told me how over the last weeks as we spoke about nature together, she also felt a need to explore her connection with it in more playful and creative ways. And then it hit me what I’d done with the plant was similar to what I’d done with her – I made his and her lives a little bit better just because I passed by. And they did so for me. It felt so beautiful to see and acknowledge this had taken place.
I realised that I’d fallen into the trap of feeling like I have to make large impact and reach far, depersonalizing and not really honouring the thing I hold dearest – my connection with whoever or whatever is in front of me. I realised that it only takes one. I don’t need to go around the forest saving all the small green plants. We had chosen to connect with this one. And it was beautiful and more than enough. It was appreciated from both of us. Just the same way as it was with my human friend. It was the same dynamic. It was deep, not wide. It was friendship.
So this is the simple message the forest shared and I felt like I needed to transmit it to you as well. There’s such a beauty in connecting to that one living being and each others’ life a little bit better. And it’s the perfect way to remind yourself this is enough, you are enough.
Love ya!
About Lessons in Paradise
I believe we already are in paradise, regardless of where we are and what’s going on in our lives. I believe life is a journey towards becoming aware of this and enjoying as much of it as we can in the limited amount of time we have here. The ‘Lessons in Paradise’ vlog is the space where I share my process of shedding patterns and beliefs that obstruct our view in order to replace them with presence, awe and wonder. It’s also my invitation to you – an invitation to connect and journey together by sharing what we are going through and helping each other see through to the greatest expression of ourselves. I also love creating spaces for people who are looking for more depth and meaning connect to their soul power and life purpose, in the form of coaching and workshops. Reach out if you feel called to explore these topics with me.