The 4 sides of the heart

Over the last century, science has done a great deal to get us to acknowledge the brain as the center of our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and sense of self. Our collective subconscious, however, hasn’t yielded to the pressure. For most of us, the heart has remained a strong symbol and Read more…

Managing expectations

Feeling pressured and overwhelmed with tasks and expectations? It’s one of the most common side-effects of the active busy life most of us live. In my coaching practice, I keep seeing this again and again – amazing people doing amazing things, feeling overwhelmed and not finding space to do what Read more…

The dancing tree

I know this post might sound strange  you, but an important part of my journey has been a deep reconnection with nature, which comes with feelings of bliss, joy, gratitude and belonging beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before. I choose to share moments like this as an invitation to anyone Read more…