Do you still need that dragon? Dragon wanted for my warrior! In this episode you will hear some of the awesome insights I got from our last authentic relating circle. Curious to try it yourself? Contact me and join online circle – every Sunday, 8am GMT with amazing circlers Iris van Diest and Rogier Huls! In this video you will hear about the way that advice we feel like giving others actually contains power for our own journeys, the way the warrior in each of us keeps looking for a dragon (problem to solve) even when the dragon has left and about whether it’s possible to give that warrior the invisible dragon to chase after (the problem of having no problems).
And of course, if you enjoyed this video, subscribe to my youtube channel and be the first to know when I release a new one.
Love ya!
About Lessons in Paradise
I believe we already are in paradise, regardless of where we are and what’s going on in our lives. I believe life is a journey towards becoming aware of this and enjoying as much of it as we can in the limited amount of time we have here. The ‘Lessons in Paradise’ vlog is the space where I share my process of shedding patterns and beliefs that obstruct our view in order to replace them with presence, awe and wonder. It’s also my invitation to you – an invitation to connect and journey together by sharing what we are going through and helping each other see through to the greatest expression of ourselves. Drop me a line or comment below or on youtube – I’d love to hear how what I’m sharing relates to your experience.