The strength in caring deeply

Today, I had a conversation with a very special friend and felt like inviting you to join us. The name of that special friend is Care. She has been sharing lots of things. One of the most important things she’s told me is that Care is not just something we Read more…

Relating with our desires

The situation we currently find ourselves in is begging for an exploration of the question of how we relate with our desires. Why? Suddenly, due to corona virus lockdowns, we are faced with lots of limitations. We have to stay at home, we can’t hang out with our favourite people, Read more…

The 4 sides of the heart

Over the last century, science has done a great deal to get us to acknowledge the brain as the center of our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and sense of self. Our collective subconscious, however, hasn’t yielded to the pressure. For most of us, the heart has remained a strong symbol and Read more…

Thank you, Plant Medicine!

Today, thousands of people and organisations are joining forces in the #ThankYouPlantMedicine global campaign to promote wider awareness about the safe use and benefits of plant medicine. I’ve decided to join them and share my story of one of the most profound and transformational experiences of my life – my Read more…

Redefining abundance

What do you see in your mind’s eye when you hear the word ‘abundance’? If you, like me, have grown up in a Western culture, it’s very possible that the first images that come up for you are associated with financial prosperity. Rich people, pretty houses, fancy cars, nice clothes, Read more…